Our Vision
By 2030, NFSTI is the Center of Excellence in Modern Forensics Investigation Education and Training in Asia.
Our Mission
NFSTI is committed to provide responsive, scientific, relevant and continuing investigative education and training to the PNP, BFP, BJMP, allied public safety and security institutions' personnel and other stakeholders.
The Mandate
The Institute is mandated to facilitate the professionalization of the police, law enforcement and public safety services of the country while further strengthening and enhancing the capability of investigation units ensuring a more effective and credible delivery of criminal investigation justice for the Criminal Justice System.

NFSTI Core values


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We are one in instilling patriotism as we take pride in being the country's primordial institute that implements responsive education and training programs producing crime investigators who are equipped with knowledge and proficiency in all aspects of investigation as well as appropriate scientific crime detection attitudes, skills, habits and values for the speedy course of justice.

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We value collective and individual resilience as we draw moral fortitude to constantly accept challenging tasks as responsible and dependable workers in government while boldly standing firm against temptation. anomalous, and corrupt practices that put a dent on our person and institutional standards, worth and credibility as servants of the people, and in bringing about a paradigm shift in solving complex crimes based on scientific investigation and detection.

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We commit to professionally perform and accomplish our assigned duties and tasks in serving and the community with due diligence and dedication above personal interest as we bear to mind that we are accountable and duty abound to promote the public interest at all times.

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We nurture the integrity of our education and training programs as we work towards the transformation and strengthening of character towards the development of a new generation of professional, competent and highly ethical crime investigators worthy of public trust and confidence.

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We consistently internalize, practice and live the core values of PPSC with integrity, sense of professionalism and excellence in the performance of our duty without compromise in leading an honest, upright and dignified life in accordance to the highest ethical and moral standards that are consistent with our words and actions.


The National Forensic Science Training Institute (NFSTI) is the sixth Constitutive Unit of the Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC). Formerly known as National Criminalistics Research and Training Institute (NCRTI), it has its beginnings in June 1972 with the issuance of a directive by then National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) Chairman Crispino M. De Castro, creating the Command Criminalistics Laboratory Center (CCLC) to be managed by then Police Major Ernesto B. Gimenez, MD, the first CCLC Chief. Police Major Gimenez worked for the development of training by initiating the offering of Forensic Science and related technical courses to student-participants and to aspiring investigators. In view of Presidential Decree Number 765 dated August 1975 and pursuant to Headquarters Police Constabulary /Integrated National Police Staff Memorandum Number 20 dated June 8, 1976 the personnel of the CCLC were absorbed by the Police Science Section of the Academic Division of the Integrated National Police Training Center. This led to the official inauguration of the CCLC on January 3, 1977.

After 14 years of productive and effective existence, the CCLC was transferred to Camp Mariano N. Castaneda in Silang, Cavite in October 1991, in consideration for the enactment of Republic Act 6975, otherwise known as the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Act of 1990, and in compliance with the implementing guidelines.

On October 1, 1993, the CCLC began to serve as training division of the National Police College under the auspices of the newly created Philippine Public Safety College. On November 3, 1993, pursuant to Circular Number 93-28 issued by then DILG Secretary Rafael M. Alunan III, the NCRTI was activated. Further affirmation of the order became evident in PPSC General Order (G0) Nr. 96-001 dated March 4, 1996, issued by then President, Brigadier General Dr. Cicero C. Campos, making the Institute fully operational.

On February 7, 2002, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo directed the PPSC to formulate and conduct a specialization course on crime investigation and detection, and tasked the same to initially produce 1,000 proficient investigators to insure the successful prosecution of criminal cases in the country. Hence, through the Board of Trustees Resolution Number 02-s 2002, approved the curriculum and authorized the PPSC to conduct a Special Crime Investigation and

Pursuant to PPSC General Order Number 05-007 dated April 8, 2005, the name of the Institute (NCRTI) was changed to National Forensic Science Training Institute (NFSTI) since it has concentrated on a broader field of study in scientific investigation and crime detection.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC)? +

The PPSC is an agency under the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) created based on the provision of Sec.66 of R.A. 6975.


What is the Primary Mission of PPSC? +

The PPSC provides comprehensive and continuing education, training and human resource development to all personnel of the Philippine National Police (PNP), Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) and other public safety agencies and stakeholders, and instilling in them the value of character, competence and commitment in the performance of their sworn duty.

What is the Vision of PPSC? +

By 2030, The PPSC is envisioned to be the best public safety educational and training systems in Southeast Asia that is globally competitive and committed to the delivery of effective and efficient public service.

What are the Constitutive Units of PPS +

There are four (4) Constitutive Units of PPSC namely:

1. National Police College (NPC) - located at Camp Castaneda, Silang, Cavite. The NPC basically offers the officership training and education, such as; Officer Basic Course (OBC), Office Advance Course (OAC), Officer Senoir Executive Course (OSEC).

2. National Fire Training Institute (NFTI) - based at Camp Vicente Lim, Calamba, Laguna. The NFTI provides education and training to all members of the Bureau of Fire Protection.

3. National Jail Management and Penology Training Institute (NJMPTI) - situated at Camp Vicente Lim, Calamba, Laguna. The NJMPTI caters to the education and training needs of al the members of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)

4. National Forensic Science Training Institute (NFSTI) - located at Camp Vicente Lim, Calamba, Laguna. The NFSTI offers the Crime Investigation and Detection Course (CRIDEC) program, one of the flagship programs of the PPSC.

What is National Forensic Science Training Institute (NFSTI)? +

The NFSTI is the fourth (4th) Constitutive Unit of the PPSC which offers the Crime Investigation and Detection Course (CRIDEC) program.


What are the Courses under the CRIDEC Program? +

The CRIDEC Program offers the following:

1. Investigation and Detection Course

2. Narcotics Investigation Course

3. Traffic Investigation Course

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